Saturday, October 24, 2009

Moving Along

Life is moving along for the Gray's. Nothing major is really happening these days. My school year is moving well. I can't wait for Thanksgiving Break. I haven't had a day off since Labor Day so I have been feeling the grind. My students are doing well, still getting used to each other but it is moving a long well. Have some ones that frustrate me and some that I really like. But that is always the case. Basketball season is starting soon which is awesome and will keep me busy. But I am really excited about it. I was asked to help coach this year and I am so ready for the season. It is going to be a lot of fun.

Heather is doing well also. She is at the same job that she has been at since we graduated from college. It isn't anything special, but we both feel blessed to have jobs in a time that many people can't say that. We are very fortunate to both be working. We don't complain about work often, but when we do, the other reminds us that we both work and it puts things into perspective. Heather's job is very flexible and allows her to take days off if she needs to which she really likes. It allows her to travel and visit home and friends.

Life is good. We are blessed.


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